
In Denmark, health- and social workers are on strike. They demand a wage rise, that will make the wage gap between the public and private sector smaller. How come we pay less to those who take care of our children, our sick and our elderly than those who care for our cars and our stock … Read more

Fidels arv

Fidel Castro has resigned as political leader of Cuba. Following this, there has been much discussion in the media about his political legacy. More than 20 years ago, I took part in an international student’s congress in Havana. One day Fidel Castro showed up, and made one of his famous hour-long speeches. It was fascinating. … Read more

Straffet uden dom

Tre mænd i Århus har – måske – planlagt at myrde en bladtegner. Heldigvis blev mordet – måske – forhindret af politiets indgriben. Når der står måske i de to foregående sætninger, så er det fordi vi indtil videre kun har Politiets Efterretningstjenestes ord for, at det forholder sig sådan. Normalt ville folk, der er … Read more

Klassekamp i radioen

The radio-program “Apropos”, which is broadcasted every weekday, has choosen class struggle as its theme for this week. The opening program was an interview with me, about the origin of the danish labour movement and class struggle then and now. For those who understand danish, this and the other programs are available on the  “Apropos” web-site (Part … Read more

CEPOS blues

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