Downfall of a picture?

…a note on photography, reality and history

In an article on the 3rd of October, the newspaper Politiken writes about an upcoming exhibition in the Barbican Art Gallery in London. The exhibition is supposed to shed new light on the old discussion about Robert Capas famous photo the fallen soldier: is it a fake or not?

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Music Hall in the woods

Bakken is an amusement park, beautifully situated in the woods north of Copenhagen. It has a history of more than 400 years. In short, I guess you could call it the proletarian cousin of the more famous Tivoli. One of the main attractions are Bakkens Hvile, a music hall that dates back to 1877. Traditionally, … Read more

Klassekamp i radioen

The radio-program “Apropos”, which is broadcasted every weekday, has choosen class struggle as its theme for this week. The opening program was an interview with me, about the origin of the danish labour movement and class struggle then and now. For those who understand danish, this and the other programs are available on the  “Apropos” web-site (Part … Read more